Feeling a bit overwhelmed today. I had my breast MRI this morning. It wasn't too bad, as MRIs go, but every time I'm presented with a form to shove my breasts through, I think about Mr. Garner, my sixth grade phys. ed. teacher, and how he made me wear the chest protector with the little boobie cups sewn in when I played goalie in our lacrosse unit. So that kind of freaks me out.
The tech told me over and over again that it was very important that I hold still during the test. Well, crikey! I have to hold still for half an hour? Uh, that I can do. When she pulled me out of the MRI, I tried to de-droolify myself as discreetly as possible. The tech was gracious.
Now I'm hanging out in my second Panera Bread of the day. I have to leave in a few minutes to go to acupuncture, where I will be expected to lay on another table for about an hour. Unless Diane learned something new on her retreat last week, there will be no breast forms (thank god).
Later on, I have to go back to the radiology place to pick up my films. I'm going to take the metro this time, because parking in Chevy Chase is a huge pain in the ass. I HATE DC area parking garages. But that's a tirade for another day.
I'm losing yet another whole day to this cancer thing, and it's kind of bumming me out. Work can wait...I can deal with that. It's just that it's another reminder of how much life my has changed in a just a few weeks. I hate that I have to deal with this every single day. I'm looking forward to having the plan worked out so I can get my treatments and go home and do my thing in between, even if I have to feel sick and lose my hair and everything else that goes along with it. I'm pretty sure I'll regret that statement later, but for now, it feels right.
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