Saturday, August 8, 2009


It's Saturday morning, and I'm waiting for my designer to show up online. We need to get a couple of projects squared away before my surgery on Monday.

Yeah, surgery. Waiting on that too. Waiting and thinking about how I never called Maureen back, which wasn't cool, but I'm sure she understands.

I'm grateful for Andrew, who in the end blew off one of his clients to come see me before he went out of town. I'm grateful for Bette who sent me a pretty wall hanging with the word "Faith" painted on it. I'm grateful for my clients, who are being so cool about things, and for my friends who are checking up on me and helping me to be brave.

It's Saturday morning, and Dave took Sam outside so I could do a little work. Dave rocks.

On Monday, my sister Katherine is coming to stay with me for a couple days. I wonder how I'll do with the whole mediport thing. I try not to think about it too much.

People ask me how I am, and I say, "Physically I'm fine. Emotionally, it's pretty rough." I keep hoping that the emotional stuff will get easier just as the physical stuff gets harder, but deep down I know they are intertwined and there's a lot of emotional stuff left to deal with - losing my hair, losing a breast, having reconstruction. Still, I believe that doing something will feel better than doing nothing, as awful as doing something might otherwise be.

My designer is late. Still waiting...

1 comment:

  1. Still, I believe that doing something will feel better than doing nothing, as awful as doing something might otherwise be.

    Me too. Thinking of you.
