Thursday, September 10, 2009


I'm more annoyed than usual because I haven't slept in 3 days. Basically, I really hope these steroids keep me from puking, because taking them is making me a beast.

So I went for Chemo this morning and my blood pressure was 151 over 90ish, which is definitely borderline high. Also, my pulse was around 50 beast per minute, which is about 30 beats slower than my normal rate. So they got me all hooked up to the IV machine and then decide maybe they should recheck all that.

I was in the chair for over an hour before they decided to call the oncologist. An hour after that, the oncologist was on the phone with the cardiologist. My BP was 181 over 110 and my pulse was 42. Weirdly, I felt totally fine, although a bit anxious.

Abort chemo. Dammit. Nevermind that I'd already had my anti-nausea meds and I was really looking forward to sleeping tonight now that the 'roids were done.

ASIDE FROM NON-SLEEP DEPRIVED SELF: Heart failure is a very definite risk with this medicine, and I'm really glad they didn't proceed with the chemo without having me see the cardiologist. But...geez!

So anyhoo, I went to see the cardiologist. She says the high blood pressure is probably related to stress (duh) and the steroid and that the low heart rate is unrelated. She's not worried about the low heart rate as long as I feel okay, i.e. not about to faint or whatever. So she cleared me for chemo and I'm rescheduled for tomorrow. We're going to keep an eye on the blood pressure and, if it doesn't come down after I go off the steroids, then they might want to put me on a low dose of meds for hypertension.

So after all this, it's 2 pm and I haven't accomplished anything. Least of my worries, I guess, but I just hate spinning my wheels. High blood pressure/low heart rate or not, the cardiologist told me to keep exercising and eating well, so I stopped for a 6" chicken breast sub on wheat (with veggies) and then went for an hour walk at the park. Got home at 4 and slammed on emails before Dave and the boy got home.

Losing a day so sucks.

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