Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Banner day!

This last round was rough. Maybe not as rough as the time before, but it's kind of like comparing pregnancies. You can't really compare this one to the last one because by the time the kid got here, you kind of forgot how bad it was. And so it goes.

I finally got the chemo in on Friday. I had a pretty nasty reaction to the taxotere right away (you don't need me to describe it here). That faded, and then I felt wonky, but surprisingly less nauseated all day Saturday. Rah, steroids! Saturday night, the 'roids wore off.

Sunday was the rolling around, clutching my head, popping waaaay too much Zofran day. Yuck. Didn't throw up, but I was out of my head and, on top of it, fairly enraged. Like, why am I going through this? I thought there were drugs for this!?

I spent Monday morning curled up in a fetal position on the couch. Thank god Dave stayed home to manage Sam. At around lunch time I ate a potato and got it together enough to get down to acupuncture only half an hour late. Rah, acupuncture! It helped a lot and kept me together until 6 am today.

6 am today - compazine, tylenol, and agnst. Dave stayed home again so he could help with Sam and take me to my appointment with the oncologist. I felt like dog shit. One thing about oncologists is they are always ready to medicate. Normally I'm not down with that, but in this case, I kind of am. Because when you strip it all away, you've got to take the chemo, and why not make the chemo as painless and safe as possible?

So I have a whole new protocol. Next time, I get to continue the sterioids through day 5, which will make me hyper but should really, really help with the nausea, plus he gave me bigger and badder anti-nausea meds on top of it. He also gave me vicodin for stomach cramping (always a good addition to my medicine cabinet!) and a diuretic to help with my blood pressure and leg swelling. He even offered me anti-depressants, but I said, "The best thing you can do for my depression is fix this nausea!" After all, enough is enough.

But here's the best part. The boob is better! Like, empirically. He examined me and seemed genuinely pleased with how things feel. And the bleeding has nearly stopped.

So it's afternoon, which is a better time than morning. I'm wearing my sea-bands. I had pizza for lunch. And my boob isn't bleeding. This is a good day.


  1. i am in tears that you are going through this. so happy your boob is getting with the program. love you.
