Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hanging in there

I can't believe I'm already nearing the end of my first chemo cycle.

It's been such a weird ride learning about how my body is reacting to all these drugs. In general, the first week was horrible, but weeks two and three were a lot better. I'm pretty much back to my old self - walking almost daily (with a little jogging thrown in) and eating well.

Things got a little wonky in week two. Maybe I was a little depressed, or maybe just tired, but I found myself hitting McDonald's a couple days in a row and making up excuses to stop at CVS so I could buy one of those enormous chocolate bars, which I would scarf in the car outside. Not good habits, and they were creeping back.

Finally nipped that in the bud, due in part to my kickass new haircut, which makes me feel like a warrior!

This is slightly unrelated, but I checked my BMI today and I'm four points away from "normal." I think that's something to brag about (just a little :) ) I haven't seen "normal" in a long, long time. And just think! I was certifiably obese back in April! (That's a scary thing to learn).

Going from a 2x to a regular old large has been amazing, and the best part is that I am finally starting to get some of those weight loss benefits that we all really long for - notably more energy. I attribute that as much to fighting the cancer as I do to losing weight.

So my next cycle starts Thursday, which means I have to remember to get my blood drawn tomorrow - no easy task given the state of my brain! My doctor gave me some steroids to take in the days preceding the infusion to try to avert the severe nausea reaction I had last time.

Family and friends have been great. My cousin in Germany has been keeping in touch via Skype, and two other cousins are bringing us dinner tonight. My parents brought us dinner on Sunday (and staunchly refused to eat any themselves). And I wouldn't even be here without the help and support of my sister Katherine and her partner Chris, who have dropped everything to come to our aid more times than I can count!

Onward and upward!


  1. so glad you are feeling well and are in good spirits. and congrats on the weight loss. keep it up! you ARE a warrior!!!
